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Mother’s Day Letters from Daughter (Grown)

Here we present 5 sample letters from a daughter to her mom on Mother’s Day 2020. Most of these letters are written as a grown daughter who is now mother herself or going to be a mother soon.

If you’re such a daughter and looking to send a nice letter to your mother, these are the perfect notelets for you.


Sample Mother’s Day 2022 Letters from Grown Daughter

Letter No. 1 from Daughter to Mom

Dear mother,

Its days like today that make me think about how much you have done for me in my life. You have always sacrificed things for me, and done the best that you can. There were a lot of times that I took you for granted, Mom.

You would take care of the home, and you would take care of me.  Sometimes, I wonder how you kept track of everything and everyone in the family and still had time to spend time with us. As I look back, I am truly thankful that you were a great example for me in how to be a mother, too.  You gave me so much advice on how I could be the best that I could be, and I want you to know that I live it every day along with so many more lessons that you’ve taught me.

So, I just want to say thank you for always knowing the right words to say, for being an amazing mother and friend, and for being the example that I needed and will always be thankful for.

Happy Mother’s Day,

Your Daughter.


2. Another heart touching letter from a daughter to her mother on Mother’s day 2020 (from a married daughter)

Dear mother,

Happy Mother’s Day! Now that I am a mother, I’m realizing just what you went through with me.  You were always so patient and kind even when you had to sacrifice what you were doing to help me.

Whenever I had faced hard times in school, you were there to encourage me.  Learning how to make friends, dealing with hurts, feeling alone, and learning how to navigate through the craziness of growing up—I knew I could turn to you for answers.

What I appreciate is that you wouldn’t just see what I went through and just tell me what to do. The point is that you would actually take time out of your day to listen to me and my problems.  I do that with my daughter now, and I realize how much I love doing this.

Thank you for your example to me.

Again, I love you and Happy Mother’s Day.

Your daughter.


3. Mother’s Day letter from grown daughter

Dear mother,

You always know how to fix something. There is a saying that moms are the superheroes of the family, and though dad does an amazing job, I don’t think he could do some of the things that you do.  One thing that I know that I appreciate is that you taught me how to be a woman.

You have always been strong and independent, and I’ve seen that because you are a hard worker and you never back down from anything. I am proud to have such a kind compassionate mom like you and I’ve seen that because you love people so much. It is because of your teachings, and those lessons that I am who I am today.

I’m still not sure how you did it, but you did all of this while taken care of us.  You did that with a lot of things, and most of the time I took it for granted.  So, I just want to thank you for always making things right when the world seemed like it was crashing down on me. Oh, and also, that you for being my superhero.

I love you.  Happy Mother’s Day,

You’re daughter.


4. Mother’s Day Letters from Grown Daughter Who is a Mother as well

Dear Mom,

So much goes through my mind as I think about this day. I know that it only comes once a year, but I realize that every day is a day that I want to celebrate you. It’s funny because growing up I really only thought about Mother’s Day once a year, but now that I’m older, and I’m a mother myself about it everyday.

I think about how you kept our family together. Think about how you strive to make sure all of us kids had enough to eat, had good clean clothes, and weren’t walking outside of the house everyday looking like we weren’t being taken care of. You’ve done a lot for me. As a daughter, I’m grateful.

As a mother, I thank you for the example that you set for me. Any success that I see as a mother to my kids is because of you. And even though the world only celebrates Mother’s Day once a year, I want to let you know that I celebrate you every single day because I’m reminded each and every day of the sacrifice that you gave for me.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom,

love your daughter.


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5. Mother’s Day Letter from daughter sample 2022 (a daughter who is going to be a mother)

Dear Mom,

I can’t believe that another year has come and another year has gone. It seems like just yesterday that you were yelling at me to clean my room and make sure that my chores were done. And as a kid, I never really understood all the rules and boundaries that you put in place in our home.

Of course, I knew you had your reasons, and you would always say that the rules were there to protect us and make sure that we were safe. But it wasn’t until I left home that I realized it was more than that. Sure, there were chores to be done and rules to be obeyed because you wanted me to grow up knowing how to survive in this world. But I’m going to be a mother now, and I know that the rules that I want for my children and the boundaries that I want to put in place is really because I love them.

So that’s what I want to thank you for Mom. I want to thank you for taking the time to love me even when I didn’t see it and even when I didn’t understand. Love you so much and hope that on this special day you realize just how much.

Happy Mother’s Day,


your daughter.


A mother is very close to her daughter for she sees herself in her. As a daughter, you love your mother but you need to express it as well. Express you love in the form of beautiful Mother’s day letters this year. Take some inspiration from our elaborate library of touching mother’s day letters from daughters and craft a note to thank your mom for everything she has done.

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