
100+ Awesomely Funny Father’s Day Quotes

Fathers Day Funny Quotes

Explore a big collection of funny Father’s Day quotes and put a smile on your dad’s face. Whether you are his daughter or son, you will find these sayings the best ever hilarious.

Our list include funnies for dads, stepdads, and grandpa.

You can post your favorite wish on dad’s instagram, Twitter, Facebook profile, or Whatsapp message.

So begin and choose your favorite one.


Funny Quotes and Sayings about Fathers Day

  1. Dad, you’re the king of dad jokes! Thanks for keeping our family in stitches.

  2. Happy Father’s Day to the dad who can fix anything…except his golf swing!

  3. Dad, you’re like a walking, talking ‘Dadvice’ dispenser – always ready with a pun and a solution!

  4. Fatherhood is a tough job, but hey, at least we get to blame you for our bad dance moves!

  5. Dad, you may not be a superhero, but you’ve definitely mastered the art of ‘super snoring’!

  6. Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to the man who can grill a mean burger and tell an even meaner dad joke!

  7. Dad, you’re proof that even ‘dad bods’ can become legendary! Keep rockin’ it!

  8. To the dad who claims to know all the shortcuts but still gets lost in the neighborhood – thanks for keeping us entertained on road trips!

  9. Happy Father’s Day to the dad who’s an expert at pretending he knows what he’s doing. We love your confidence!

  10. Dad, you’ve got a black belt in ‘Dad Dancing’ – your moves are unforgettable, for better or worse!

  11. Wishing a laughter-filled Father’s Day to the man who can turn a simple trip to the store into an epic adventure!

  12. Dad, you’ve always been our personal stand-up comedian. Thanks for the never-ending laughter!

  13. To the dad who can fall asleep anywhere, anytime – you’re the reigning champion of naptime Olympics!



Father’s Day Funny Quotes from a Son

  1. Happy Father’s Day to the man who made me what I am today, despite all the ways I tried to mess things up.

  2. Some men strive to be great; others strive to make their children great. Dad, your goal was to be a great example and for that I am forever grateful.

  3. Usually a great dad only comes along once in a young boy’s life. I lost mine when he was way too young, but because of you I have the privilege of having 2 great ones.

  4. There are plenty of fathers around and even a few great dads. But there is only one I call “Daddy,” Happy Father’s Day.

  5. You used to tell me “Just wait, you’ll be a father someday,” I just want to tell you the wait is over! Happy Grandfather’s Day, dad.

  6. I was going to call you on Father’s Day, but my plan ran out of minutes. Then I remembered that #911 works anytime. But the dispatcher sent the firemen, when I clearly asked for “My old man.” The firemen were not very happy to see me. But, if you catch the 6 o’clock news you can hear me shout “Happy Father’s Day,” while they are all spraying me with the hoses.

  7. Dad, I am so glad your memory is strong and your mind is clear. But I really wouldn’t mind if you could forget the time when I broke your favorite chair.

  8. They say I have my father’s eyes and I hope that’s true. Because, you see and know me and you love me too.

  9. Hey dad, pick out any restaurant in town you want to go to on Father’s Day; as long as they accept coupons, will take your senior discount and have their menu behind the counter.

  10. Some are fortunate to have famous fathers that the world thinks are great. I am blessed because I know you are my father and that’s all that really matters.


Have you checked: Short Dad Poems


Humorous Father’s Day Quotes from a Daughter

  1. Let me treat you to a great surprise on Father’s day, oh, and if you loan me 50 bucks you can come along too.

  2. If more fathers were like you dad, the world would be a better place.

  3. If you knew how much I love you dad, you might just shed a tear, But, knowing how much you loved me, helped me grow up without fears.

  4. This Father’s day, I wanted to let the universe know how great you are. So I sent a tweet out to: Everyoneinthewholewideworldandanyotherplanetsthatmighthaveinhabitantswhogiveacareandarewillingtolistenandwanttoknowareallygreatfather@twitter But for some reason it would not let me send the message.

  5. If you could choose anyone in the world to be your father, I would choose you, and feel sorry for everyone else.

  6. Once in a while a really great man comes along. I have known one of those men and his name is Daddy.

  7. I always wanted to fill your shoes, and you were always proud when I did. Except for that time I filled them with that green slime; that was the day I learned 3 new vocabulary words.

  8. My wish for you this Father’s Day is that none of us(your children), break one of our toys, lose the remote, wreck the car, or ask for bail money. Happy Father’s Day!

  9. You have taught me that to be a great father to always put your family first. But on this day I want to be the first to know, that you are the champion of dads.

  10. I want to do something really special this father’s day. I am planning a great golf outing and was wondering if you would like to watch the grand kids for me.


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From Both Children

  1. How many Dads does it take to assemble a toy? Just one, but it takes a roll of tape to put the instruction sheet back together.

  2. Dad spelled backwards is Dad, Dad spelled upside down is Pap, Which is good, since when you are a real father you are often turned upside down and backwards.

  3. Why is it Dads are experts at the most difficult tv remotes but can’t figure how to put a toilet seat down.

  4. Amazingly most Dads can figure out how to run the most difficult mechanical devices, except the dishwasher.

  5. Father’s deserve a day off when they don’t do anything at all around the house. For some, that day is called “Every.”

  6. If a Dad got a dime for every time he tied a shoe, he’d be able to retire at the age of thirty two.

  7. There are Dads that can change a tire in the middle of a blizzard, but are clueless how to change a diaper in the middle of the night.

  8. A new movie released, “When Dads Attack.” A story about a Father’s reaction when his daughter’s prom date keeps her out too late.

  9. Real dads allow themselves to get buried in the sand; Daddies allow themselves to get buried in slime.

  10. Once in a while a real dad wears a tiara and princess dress, and doesn’t care if the guys from the office see him.

  11. Some Fathers are in the Republican Party, Some are in the Democratic Party, but the best daddies spend time in the “Tea Parties.”

  12. A scary moment in a father’s life, is when his daughter is no longer grossed out by boys

  13. Some Fathers can win at anything, great Dads know how to lose, and Daddies let their kids beat the living daylights out of them.


Short Quotes

Inject some humor into Father’s Day with these side-splitting little quotes!

  1. Real Dads play with dolls.

  2. Every child has a father, happy children have dads.

  3. The difference between a Father and a Dad can be measured by the length of their outstretched arms.

  4. When you play “catch” it is perfectly fine to “drop” once in a while.

  5. A Dad does not need to be a carpenter to build a relationship with his children.

  6. Real dads know every verse of the “Wheels on the Bus.”

  7. Fathers can build a model airplane, but struggle to change a roll of toilet paper.

  8. Dad, thanks for teaching me that ‘dad jokes’ are a universal language of embarrassment.

  9. Happy Father’s Day to the master of grill and dad jokes – a true multitasking legend!

  10. Dad, you’ve perfected the art of selective hearing, especially when it comes to chores!

  11. Cheers to the dad who can fix anything, except for the volume on the TV remote!

  12. Dad, you’re proof that superheroes do exist. Well, at least in your mind and our family group chat!


Messages to put on Father’s Day Cards

  1. Dad, you’re the king of dad jokes! Happy Father’s Day to the punniest guy I know!

  2. To the dad who always manages to find the TV remote but can’t locate his own socks – you’re a true magician! Happy Father’s Day!

  3. Cheers to the dad who can fix anything with duct tape and a can-do attitude. You’re our household superhero!

  4. Dad, you’re a living legend – the master of naps and grilling! Happy Father’s Day to the ultimate multitasker!

  5. Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to the dad who taught me that ‘out of milk’ doesn’t mean ‘out of cereal’!

  6. To the dad who claims he knows every shortcut but still gets lost using GPS – your navigation skills keep us entertained! Happy Father’s Day!

  7. Dad, your dance moves may be questionable, but your enthusiasm is unmatched! Here’s to celebrating Father’s Day with some groovy moves!

  8. Happy Father’s Day to the dad who’s a pro at making burnt toast and undercooked pancakes – you truly have a special talent!

  9. To the dad who can’t resist playing air guitar during every classic rock song, Happy Father’s Day to the coolest air musician around!

  10. Dad, you have a black belt in ‘Dad Jokes 101.’ Thanks for keeping us entertained with your never-ending repertoire. Happy Father’s Day!

  11. Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to the dad who thinks he’s a master chef but has a secret love affair with takeout!

  12. To the dad who can pull off the ‘dad bod’ with style and confidence – you’re a true fashion icon! Happy Father’s Day!

  13. Dad, you may not always be up-to-date with the latest technology, but your ability to press every button except the right one is truly remarkable. Happy Father’s Day!



Fun-filled Father’s Day Quotes for Grandpa

  1. To the grandpa who has mastered the art of napping while pretending to listen, Happy Father’s Day!

  2. Grandpa, you’re proof that age is just a number… and so is the volume on the TV! Happy Father’s Day!

  3. Wishing a hilarious Father’s Day to the grandpa who can out-snore even the loudest thunderstorm!

  4. Happy Father’s Day to the grandpa who always has a pocket full of candy and a never-ending supply of dad jokes!

  5. To the grandpa who can fall asleep mid-sentence and wake up with the perfect punchline, you’re a comedy genius!

  6. Grandpa, you’re the world’s best remote control detective – always finding the lost channel in record time! Happy Father’s Day!

  7. Wishing a Father’s Day filled with laughter to the grandpa who can turn a simple game of cards into a full-blown competition!

  8. Happy Father’s Day to the grandpa who can make any car ride feel like an adventure, even if it’s just a trip to the grocery store!

  9. To the grandpa who knows how to rock a Hawaiian shirt and sandals with socks – you’re the epitome of cool!

  10. Grandpa, your ability to nap through family chaos is truly awe-inspiring! Happy Father’s Day!

  11. Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to the grandpa who can fix anything with duct tape and a few well-placed jokes!

  12. To the grandpa who claims to have invented every game ever played – Happy Father’s Day to our family’s game master!

  13. Happy Father’s Day to the grandpa who can turn a backyard BBQ into a comedy roast – you always know how to bring the laughs!

  14. To the grandpa who can make bedtime stories even more magical with his animated voices and sound effects – you’re a storytelling legend!

  15. Grandpa, you have a PhD in ‘Grandpa Humor and Pranks.’ Thank you for keeping us entertained and laughing. Happy Father’s Day!


For Friends

Here are some awesomely hilarious Father’s Day messages for friends. Let’s share and keep the laughter going strong!

  1. To my friend and fellow dad-joke enthusiast, Happy Father’s Day! May your jokes always be as funny as your parenting skills!

  2. Wishing a hilarious Father’s Day to my friend who can juggle work, family, and a bag of chips all at once!

  3. Cheers to the dad friend who’s always up for a spontaneous adventure and never misses an opportunity for a good laugh!

  4. Happy Father’s Day to my friend who can transform a simple game of catch into an Olympic-level sporting event!

  5. To the dad friend who has mastered the art of hiding vegetables in their kids’ meals – you’re a sneaky genius!

  6. Wishing a laughter-filled Father’s Day to my friend who can turn a diaper change into a stand-up comedy routine!

  7. Happy Father’s Day to my friend who can rock a ‘dad bod’ with style and confidence – you’re a trendsetter!

  8. To the dad friend who knows all the best playground jokes and never fails to make our kids giggle, thank you for being the ultimate entertainer!

  9. Wishing a Father’s Day full of belly laughs to my friend who can create the most epic backyard water balloon fights!

  10. Happy Father’s Day to my friend who can flawlessly navigate a stroller through any terrain, like a true off-road adventurer!

  11. To the dad friend who can expertly assemble IKEA furniture without losing their sanity – you’re a DIY hero!

  12. Wishing a Happy Father’s Day to my friend who can make grocery shopping with kids feel like a comedy show – your comedic timing is impeccable!

  13. Cheers to the dad friend who can turn a mundane household chore into a dance party – you’ve got the moves!

  14. Happy Father’s Day to my friend who can seamlessly transition from dad mode to ‘dad joke’ mode – you’re a master of comedy!

  15. To the dad friend who can effortlessly balance work, family, and a constant stream of hilarious anecdotes – you’re an inspiration! Happy Father’s Day!


For Stepfathers

Celebrate Father’s Day in a memorable way by adding a touch of humor and lightheartedness to honor your stepfather. Here are some funnies that will make the day unforgettable:

  1. Happy Father’s Day to my stepdad, the master of stepping up and stepping in with a dash of humor!

  2. To the stepdad who entered my life and brought laughter along with love, you’re the ultimate step-comedian!

  3. Wishing a humorous Father’s Day to the stepfather who taught me that blending families can be a hilarious adventure!

  4. Stepdad, you’re like the ‘bonus level’ of fatherhood – extra fun and laughter included! Happy Father’s Day!

  5. To the stepfather who can crack a joke and mend a broken toy in the same breath – you’re our superhero with a comedic twist!

  6. Happy Father’s Day to my stepdad, the expert at turning awkward moments into laugh-out-loud memories!

  7. To the stepfather who brings laughter to our family dynamics, thank you for being the glue that holds us together with humor!

  8. Wishing a Father’s Day filled with laughter to the stepdad who can make even the most mundane chores feel like a comedy sketch!

  9. Step-dad, your witty remarks and funny stories have added an extra dose of joy to our lives. Happy Father’s Day!

  10. To the stepfather who embraces the role of ‘dad’ with open arms and a playful spirit – you’ve won our hearts and funny bones!

  11. Happy Father’s Day to the stepdad who knows how to lighten the mood and bring a smile to everyone’s face!

  12. To my stepdad, the laughter provider and the fun initiator, Happy Father’s Day to the one who always knows how to brighten our days!



At the end of this post, I would like to share a beautiful collection of happy birthday dad poems from a daughter, which I hope is one of the biggest and nicest selection of tributary lines for a father. Check it and you’ll love it.


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