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Parents Day Speech Sample

Parents Day Speech Example

Parents’ Day is observed on 4th Sunday of July every year. It is a day to dedicate to both your father and mother. It is the day to recognize the efforts, hardships, sacrifices your parents have put for you, for your career. Let’s dedicate this speech to your parents this Parents’ Day on July 26, 2020.



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Speech on Parents Day:

Parents Day Speech by Students Sample


Good day everyone, my name is…and I welcome you all to this wonderful event. I count it a privilege to be giving this speech today to celebrate “parents day“.


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Bob Keeshan once said, and I quote

“Parents are the ultimate role models for children. Every word, movement, and action have an effect. No other person or outside force has a greater influence on a child than the parent”.


The truth is that the importance of our parents to our life can never be over-emphasized. Hence it is indeed worthwhile to be celebrating them today.

I want to say this beautiful day that I am glad that I came to the world through my wonderful parents, even when I think I’m right, you have always wanted the best for me.

I cannot thank you enough for your show of love right from birth, until this present moment. You have made me a better person today. And that will forever be a wonderful thing to me. Every day of my life, if I have the opportunity, I would always love to appreciate you for your unconditional love, commitments, and sacrifices. Your love for me is indeed unquantifiable and am glad that I’m associated with you.

I want to use this medium to appreciate my parent for their support financially. And to say I don’t take this for granted. From the depth of my heart, I want to say a big thank you to you.

Also for your moral support. I am indeed grateful. For those times I failed and you never for once made me feel like a failure. You’ve always encouraged me and motivated me to do better. It takes genuine love to do this, and I want to say I am very much happy and to promise you that I will make you proud.

I want to say this day that you will always deserve my honor and respect for giving me life, for the countless sacrifices nurtured through my infancy and childhood, for providing me with the necessities of life, and nursing me through physical illnesses and the emotional stress of growing up. I am indeed grateful

As mentioned earlier, I am who I am today because of my parent’s involvement in my life. This day is not enough to show my gratitude for your show of love from birth till this moment. I cannot thank you enough for being a wonderful parent to me. And to every other wonderful parent gathered here today on behalf of all the beautiful children in the world I want to say a big thank you to you all. And to say we are happy to be associated with you all.


Thomas Friedman once said, and I quote “There’s no question that a great teacher can make a huge difference in a student’s achievement, and we need to recruit, train and reward more of such teachers. But here’s what some new studies are also showing: We need better parents. Parents more focused on their children’s education can also make a huge difference in a student’s achievement”. Thanks for your time and attention. Do have a lovely day ahead. Happy parents day!



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