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Veterans Day Poems for Kindergarten and School Kids

Veterans Day Poems for School Kids

Let’s admire The Veterans. Here are 20 special poems for Veterans Day 2022 for Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High school students. Read on and dedicate a poem from these to the soldiers who sacrificed for the freedom.



Poem #1

We honor the soldier who stand up and fight
For all that is good and all that is right.
For all that is fair and all that is true.
For all that is honest and loyal, too.
We honor them because of their sacrifice.
So we can have a good good life.


Poem #2

We thank you for protecting the flag
We thank you for protecting our rights
We thank you for protecting this land
We thank you for fighting the fight.
For this and all, we stand and say
Happy Veterans Day.


Poem #3

For the red, white, and blue
Your honor is true.
For the land of the free
You’ve given freely .
For the home of the brave
You deserve this day.
Happy Veterans Day.


Poem #4

We will never forget the sacrifice
That you have given with your life.
We won’t forget the price you paid.
So we could live strong and brave.
We won’t forget that you made free
Boys and girls just like me.


Poem #5

This is my country and my land
All because you chose to stand
To give your all
To accept the call
To fight and live
For freedom to give.


Elementary School

Poem #6

Hold true for the red white and blue
Hold fast so that freedom will last
Hold strong no matter how long
Hold right till the end of the fight.
Hold up your head till the end.
That’s what we honor you for my friend.


Poem #7

You were brave us.
To fight for what is just.
And we can truly say
We are free today
Because you gave your all
To answer freedom’s call.


Poem #8

Stand up, stand firm, stand tall
And celebrate this hero.
Stand up, stand firm, stand tall
And celebrate this soldier.
Stand up, stand firm, stand tall.
And celebrate our freedom fighter.
Soldier, we honor you.


Poem #9

We’re are grateful
For all that you have done.
For all the battles fought.
For all the victories won.
We just want to say.
Thank you, and honor you today.


Poem #10

To the soldier who went to fight
And gave his life for what was right
We honor you today.
To the soldier who saw freedom for
All of us and sought to endure
We honor you today.


Middle School

Poem #11

Foreign lands and foreign tongue
Didn’t matter to those who sought
To fight for native land and tongue
For freedom that all of us ought
To have each and every day
We can’t thank enough for the price that was paid.


Poem #12

I saw hope in the eyes of a boy
I saw peace in the eyes of a girl
I saw love in the eyes of a mother.
I saw freedom in the eyes of a father.
And it’s because of you that they have those
Because of the sacrifice you chose.
Happy Veterans Day.


Poem #13

One thank you isn’t enough.
For you gave up so much.
A thousand thank yous could never repay
The cost and the price you paid.
But I still thank you every day.
And will always.  Happy Veterans Day.


Poem #14

You are a hero.
You can’t fly or stop bullets
You can’t lift buildings or catch planes.
You can’t run faster than the speed of light
But you are a hero.
Because you fought for me.


Poem #15

While we were here, you were there
While we were home, you were away
While we were protected, you kept us safe.
While we were asleep, you kept us free.
We can’t say enough about what you did,
But we do celebrate you and all that you give.


High School

Poem #16

With grateful hearts we realize that this could all be gone.
All the things that we enjoy and take for granted.
So, we’ll teach the young to not forget and the old to still remember
We don’t just look past this day and the seeds of freedom planted.
Fallen soldiers and those who sacrificed.
We thank you.


Poem #17

You left all that you knew for an uncertain fate
You gave it your all and left nothing to chance
You gave up all comfort and security
Just so we could dance Freedom’s Dance.
So, we dance for freedom and we dance for you.
For all you fought for; good and true.


Poem #18

I’m not sure what you felt on the front lines
Did you know we were thinking of you all this time?
Did you know that we were praying for your safe return?
Did you know we would hope and believe and yearn
To see you with your head held high
Holding the colors as our flag did fly.
And now, we see you here today.
And we thank you for being and keeping us safe.


Poem #19

This is a song for the freedom fight.
We sing for those who fought the fight.
We sing for those who fought for right.
We sing for those who fought for life.
So sing with me and sign out loud.
For the soldiers who fought and made us proud.


Poem #20

Thank you, dear soldier. You’ve fought and won
Freedom for all underneath our country’s emblem.
You’ve given new meaning to what freedom means.
And given us all hope to believe.
So, now let us show you our thanks.
For the life you gave, and the lives you saved.


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